Private Utility Locating for Schools



When Dallas-Fort Worth area schools get approval to build that much-needed new addition, they are usually eager to break ground to make it happen.

Calling 811 is an important first step before digging, but to get the full picture of what’s going on underneath a large school campus, it’s important to hire a private utility locator such as Wood Inspection to flag underground lines that are snaking from the property line to the school.

Wood Inspection Service’s ground penetrating radar can detect lines within 6 inches without excavating or disturbing the ground. Our trained team can then trace the lines to their control boxes, valves and meters to identify the type of utility.

Recent Projects for Schools by Wood Inspection

Want to see our recent work? In the past 2 years, Wood Inspection Services has visited schools and universities throughout Dallas Fort-Worth. View the interactive map below.

View School Utility Mapping by Wood in a full screen map

Types of Private Utilities at Schools

It’s easy to forget what kinds of utilities might be buried underground — out of sight, out of mind — but they are the lines that keep classrooms running on a daily basis, including natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, communications and other services.

There are 19 million miles of underground utilities in the United States, and more are being installed daily.

Facilities such as schools often have more utilities than the public sector, so private utility detection is even more important before starting new construction or making breaking ground for additions and improvements.

  • Sewer lines
  • Private lighting
  • Sprinkler systems
  • Fire mains
  • Secondary electric lines to detached buildings
  • Gas lines to pools, outbuildings, etc
  • Phone/cable lines to secondary buildings
  • Backup Generator Electrical Lines
  • Parking Lot and Other Site Lighting
  • Parking Lot Storm Drains
  • Telecommunication Lines between Campus Buildings
  • Satellite dish lines

If a school were to knock into one of these lines in the middle of a project, it would be a potentially expensive repair — not to mention the loss of class time should the student body need to evacuate for safety.

Wood Inspection has performed surveys for schools throughout Texas, so call on our private utility locating technicians today. We will provide a comprehensive report of underground utilities at your school so you can safely get your project under way.