3 Reasons to Use GPR Before Your Next Construction Project

Underground utilities represent some of the greatest conveniences. They supply energy, carry water to and from a property, and help to facilitate the overall comfort experienced by individuals in a property.

The problem is that not all utility lines run as they should. Everything from minutes deviations to make changes can occur with regards to where utilities are located. This can make excavating soil one of the most dangerous and costly activities to pursue.

The American Public Works Association states that one underground utility line is hit every second, which amounts to billions of dollars in damages.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons to use ground penetrating radar before starting any type of construction on your property.

1. Deviations in Utility Lines Exist

Small deviations exist due to everything from human error to shifts in the way the ground sits. This can cause a line to move several feet per decade, which in turn means that older lines can be almost anywhere on a property.

Ground-penetrating radar creates an accurate, real-time image of the ground and what is contained within it. It exhibits a high amount of accuracy, which in turn helps to ensure that utility lines and other underground features are where they should be.

2. Not All Lines Can Be Located Easily

Most underground location techniques rely upon using imaging that affects metal. This type of imaging tends to be ineffective when non-metals like ceramic sewer lines or PVC pipes surround underground utility lines.

GPR is effective for every type of underground feature with certain limitations. This helps to ensure that an accurate representations can be created that will not miss features and utility lines that could cause numerous construction problems.

3. GPR Can Separate Utilities from Geological Features

Certain features, such as sink holes and underground caverns, can act like utility lines when certain types of imaging are used. This can produce false positives, which in turn can hinder any construction projects.

The worst part, however, is that certain geological features may exist in such a way that they look like utility lines but extend far past the constraints of the average utility line. This can allow features like sink holes to potentially cause hundreds of thousands of damage to machinery and endanger workers.

GPR can help to separate utility lines from geological features. This can give a better idea of what resides under your property, which in turn can make any construction efforts substantially safer.

GPR Simplifies Utility and Geological Feature Location

Ground-penetrating radar exists as a form of imaging that gives the ability to construct an accurate image of what resides beneath the ground. It does not have the same drawbacks as other types of imaging, which makes it the most useful technique for general applications.

By using GPR before you begin construction, you can avoid headaches and save yourself money when looking at the potential costs associated with accidents.

To learn more GPR, or to schedule a GPR survey from Wood Inspection Services, Inc., contact us by calling our office at (972) 724-5550 or using the contact form on our website.

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